D-USYS conference Davos
06/24 Keynote on Science Communication: "I'm not a cat- or the art of personalized SciComm in Social Media
Today's situation is a result of a structural deficit in academic culture. Over decades, the only career relevant media was the written word. In contrast, the digital world exploded with a multitude of media communication formats. Most of them are visual, or audiovisual. Hence, we have some catching up to do if we want to stay relevant in the digital world.
Wissenschaftscafé Bern & Thun
02/24 Science-Society Panel Diskussion über “Künstliche Intelligenz - macht sie die ‘Wahrheit’ kaputt?
Mein Fokus lag auf dem Fokus Wahrheitsgehalt von Bildern, historische Perspektive auf visuelle Kommunikation in Medien und Politik. Desweitern nuancierte Auseinandersetzung mit image-to-image, text-to-image etc. #deepfakes für politische Propaganda.
Longterm milestones
Media & Methods Lab, ETHZ
My long-term dream came to life in May 2024: I was able to start the Media & Methods Lab (MML) at the UTL, ETH Zurich. The team members from my previous team, the EduMedia, all merged into the MML.
‘Difference as a resource for peace’ – r4d programme SNF
An ETH case study portrait about the political and historical situation of the Mayan minorities in Guatemala in the light of SDGs.
‘Beyond’ – the transformative power of science film’
(1) Audiovisual reflections about the interdisciplinary co-design of our 68min research doc "Inequality and Conflict - Beyond us and Them", r4dprogramme SNF.
(2) Blog article about the process: ‘Capturing Conflict - the Power of Images’
Teachings, Lectures & Workshops
SciComm key messages for individual personas
06/24 Workshop about targeting individual personas for scicomm
Facilitated at the D-USYS Conference with around 50 scientists. In small groups, the scientists had to find personal connection point to convey a key message about biodiversity and bees to 13 caricatured, highly-stereotyped personas. For access to the "persona cards", contact me.
Graphical abstracts for peer-reviewed publications
04/24 Lecture input and workshop, ETH Zurich
A graphical abstract serves as a visual synopsis, akin to a movie poster revealing the essence of the storyline.
Its purpose is to captivate potential readers through "appealing" imagery. Crafted to facilitate quick comprehension, it should convey the essence of your research and its findings to those casually browsing papers or scrolling through online platforms.
Infographics & Visualizations
03/24 Lecture input and workshop, ETH Zurich
Together with Jane Gebel from my team, we’ve taught students as well as lecturer and scientists about the potentials of visualizations and infographics for their own publications and scientific endeavors.
MML ETH Projects
Forthcoming projects in my MML team at ETH Zurich:
D-BAUG – Swiss Urban Tales about Landslides / Interactive Videos
D-GESS – Crime in Statistics / Podcasts
D-USYS – Explore the responsible use of AI / Teachings
D-USYS - Systems thinking for sustainable food systems / Teachings
2012 - first science & film project in Brazil and Costa Rica / EU FP7 project as a research technician at D-USYS ETH Zurich
2013 - Basel Culture Unlimited Trailer
2015 - Research cooperation with EPFL for 360-video investigation with the 'Venice Time machine' project.
2016 - Filmstill from the audiovisual publication about MOOCs (part of my Ph.D.)
'Diversity of Empathy' Conference Portrait, UniBasel
2018 -Manifesto for Videos in Higher Education
2018 - 'Massive Role Play Game' about different future scenarios (AI, Robotics, Space Travel, Climate Change) at the Brave New World Conference, Netherlands
2018 - VR-360 testing of the Leiden University pilots. In total, six educational pilot VR-experiences have been produced from the whole team.
2019 - Finding interconnections: Interwoven storytelling of four different case study portraits between Guatemala, Nigeria, Indonesia and Sri Lanka.
2020 - Audiovisual keynote for the Silbersalz Festival 'Unspoken Truths'
science-society interface
translation of scientific complex concepts
audiovisual & image theories and practices
deepfakes & truths
science and education
mixed realities
work philosophy co-design
new legacy of media & methods
In the rapidly evolving media landscape of the 21st century, media competencies have emerged as one of the most critical skills. In an era characterized by the proliferation of digital platforms and the democratization of content creation, individuals are required to navigate a complex and ever-expanding media ecosystem.
Media competencies encompass a diverse set of skills, including but not limited to critical thinking, digital literacy, visual communication, and audiovisual media production. These proficiencies enable individuals to effectively consume, analyze, and create audiovisual media content, empowering them to become informed and discerning participants in the global discourse.