Dr. Jeanine Reutemann
Lead Media & Methods Lab, ETH Zurich

Jeanine's insatiable curiosity drives her to explore the intersection of science, education, and audiovisual media, which is reflected in her role as the funder and leader of the EduMedia Team at ETH Zurich first; now since May 2024, the team is officially developed into the Media & Methods Lab.

With a background in film and animation, education and media studies (her dissertation was about "Science, Film, and Media Design") and quite some project-based experiences in working with various research disciplines, Jeanine brings a wealth of experience to her role.
Between 2017 and 2019, she worked as a researcher at the Centre for Innovation at Leiden University in the Netherlands where she worked on topics such as VR, AR, responsible innovations, including deepfakes.

Prior to that, she worked as a junior researcher and teacher at FHNW Basel from 2014 to 2017. Her work has focused on addressing global challenges, inequalities, and sustainability, and she has collaborated with institutions such as research for development (SNF), Swiss Academies of Arts and Sciences (SCNAT), University of Zurich, and ETH Zurich, WSL, Oxford University, Ludwig-​Maximillians University Munich, University Osnabrück, WWF/COOP & Southpole Carbon, PRO7/Sat1.

Market in Abuja Nigeria, Filmmaking for research communication and science-policy interface, Jeanine Reutemann
Filmmaking behind the scenes, Tocantins Brazil, Research Center
Workshop teaching at the ETH Zurich PBLabs in spring 2024
Research for development film team in Guatemala. Researchers from Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala with Jeanine and Tim Reutemann, Swiss National Science Foundation
Filmset "Falling" dance performance and video installation, Baden Switzerland
Media and Methods Lab production team, video production for the OER series

Sidenote: Video-based formats are my main research publications and I see them as equal to text-based papers.

Text-based publications always come second in my "audiovisual language" approach towards knowledge production, transformation and dissemination.

Written Publications

  • Rehmann J. & Reutemann J. (2024):
    “Schöpferischer Genuss: Zum epistemologischen Potenzial der audio-visuellen Sprache im Nexus von Wissenschaft und Lehre”, in: MEDIENwissenschaft Rezensionen | Reviews, S. 7-20. [READ]

  • Reutemann J., Volk B., Rehmann J. (2023) “Die Zukunft von wissenschaftlichen Bildungsvideos – nachhaltig gedacht und umgesetzt”, in: Digitale Bildung Jetzt!, Springer Verlag, S. 105-114. [READ]

  • Reutemann J., Volk B. & Rehmann J. (2023): “Humor im Wissenschaftsfilm”, in Cinema #68 Humor. [READ]

  • Reutemann J., “Die transformative Kraft von Science Videos” (2022), in: It's All About Video. Visuelle Kommunikation im Bann bewegter Bilder, S. 278-295. [READ]

  • Reutemann J.: Bewegtbilder der Wissenschaft und ihr Mediendesign Eine Untersuchung zu »Massive Open Online Course«-Videos im Hochschulsystem (2019), Büchner Verlag Wissenschaft und Kultur. [READ]

  • Reutemann J. (2018), “To Tease Somebody – Advertised Educational Intro vs. Lecture Videos”, in: ICEM International Conference for Educational Media 2018 Naples.

  • Reutemann J. (2018), “Media Design Expertise for Videos in Higher Education – A Collection of Interviews with Lecturers, Filmmakers and Communication Experts from the Fields of Science Teaching, Media Design, Gesture Studies and Digital Education”, 179 pages, open access.

  • Reutemann J (2017), “Framing the Talking Head Challenges of Academic Broadcast Studios”, in: Conference presentation paper; EMOOCs 2017, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid

  • Reutemann J. & Rubner, A. (2018): Manifesto Videos in Higher Education, Manifesto.

  • Reutemann J. (2017), “Into the Forest. Über die gegenseitige epistemische Unterwanderung von Wissenschaft und Film”, in: Kunst, Wissenschaft, Natur Zur Ästhetik und Epistemologie der künstlerisch-wissenschaftlichen Naturbeobachtung, Transcript Verlag.

  • Reutemann J. (2016), “Too close to be true: Virtual Reality images bring the visible speaker into your face (literally)”, in: Image Embodiment: New Perspectives of the Sensory Turn, Yearbook for Moving Image Studies 2016, Büchner Verlag.

  • Reutemann J. (2016), “Differences and Commonalities – A comparative report of video styles and course descriptions on edX, Coursera, Futurelearn and Iversity”, in: EMOOCS 2016.

  • Reutemann J. (2016), “Language is (not) obvious. Asynchrone Bewegtbilder von Geste und Wort”, in Bildkörper. Zum Verhältnis von Bildtechnologien und Embodiment, Büchner Verlag.

  • Reutemann J (2015), "Visible speakers and the surrounding space in moving images of MOOCs", in: The sixth international conference on the image, November 2015, UC Berkeley.

Conferences / Presentations & Keynotes

  • “Nothing new under the sun: Audiovisualle Wissenschaftskommunikation im Hype-Cycle der generativen KI”, SciComm 24 Conference, Uni Neuchatel, August 2024.

  • “I’m not a cat - the art of personalized communication in social media”, Keynote at DUSYS conference, Davos, June 2024.

  • Science-society panel: «Künstliche Intelligenz - macht sie die ‘Wahrheit’ kaputt?» Bern, Thun, Science-et-cité 02.24 

  • - Kommunikation (in) der Wissenschaft: Interview mit Jeanine Reutemann, Pandemic Video-Talks, Hochschule Makromedia Hamburg, Februar 2021.

  • “Unspoken truths - science, film and realities”, audiovisual keynote at the Silbersalz Science & Media Conference, Oktober 2020.

  • “Immersion, Simulation, Exploration: VR-360 für ein forschendes Lernen”, Campus Innovation, Universität Hamburg, November 2019.

  • "Shaping the Future of AI", Opening Speech at FinTech Hackathon Zurich, March 2019.

  • "Co-Design for Science Videos", at Exposure Hackathon Zurich, March 2019.

  • "Eine audiovisuelle Sprache: Wissenstransformation durch Bewegtbilder", Keynote at Videos in der Lehre Konferenz, Worms Germany, February 2019.

  • "Co-Design for Science Videos", at Exposure Hackathon Basel, February 2019.

  • "Virtuelle Realität: Mediale Eigenschaften, Potenziale, Herausforderungen, University Osnabrück, December 2019.

  • "The Future of Trust in Images", at Brave New World, November 2018.

  • "Survial Game of the Future", a massive roleplay game at Brave New World, November 2018.

  • Keynote: Keynote Videos in der Hochschullehre, Worms https://www.videobasierte-lehre.de/, 12th of February 2019.

  • Mentor at the "Science Video Hackatholon Basel", 1.-3. February 2019.

  • "Manifesto for Videos in Higher Education", Presentation at the LERU conference, Utrecht University, 29th of November 2019.

  • "Video-Abstracts for peer-reviewed publications", lecture and workshop with the REASON group of the Ludwig-Maximillians-Universität München, October 30th 2018.

  • "Biases and Fallacies in VR/AR research, at University of Amsterdam, November 6th, 2018.

  • "Research and Film", Presentation and expert workshop on filming expert interviews, University San Carlos Guatemala, October 8th 2018.

  • "Videos in Higher Education", research presentation on behalf of the Digital Learning and New Media Lab, TUDelft, September 04.2018.

  • MR-Tech & Research Presentation: “Watch your Tendons Stretch as you Kick - a Foot Controlled MR Experience”, at the “Connected Learning Summit”, MIT, Boston, August 1.-3. 2018.

  • Keynote "Video killed the Lecture Star? Performance on both sides of the Camera:Lessions Learned f or Audiovisual Technologies", at the Media & Learning Conference, Leuven, June 14./15. 2018.

  • TedX Lausanne Talk/ Homo Futuris: "How Stories of AI-Robots shape the Vision of Future Technology", 7th of May, Lausanne.- Workshop “When mixed reality meets deep fake”, at the“Festival of Free Speech, Hilversum, Netherlands, May 3th, 2018.

  • Intense Script-Writing and Story Development Workshop for a research documantary about "Violence, Identity and Inequality", with the extended production team of the R4D program "Social Conflicts", Swiss National Science Fondation, Lausanne, April 18.-20. 2018.

  • Conference presentation: "The speaker's body image and schema in educational videos", March 17, 2018,

  • Learning experience design Conferenc: LXD meets Neuroscience, Radboud-University Nijmegen http://www.lxdcon.com/index.html#home.

  • Workshop Presentation: "The Future of New Media" Possibilities for NGOs, The Spindle & HumanityX, http://thespindle.org/event/future-new-media/,The Hague February, 28 2018.

  • 2-days intensive workshop "Science Educational Videos", February 15.-16. 2018, University of Zurich & ETH Zurich.

  • Expert Videotalk Roundtable & Research Presentation, November 29. 2018, Imperial College London.

  • Hololens Presentation: Chances for Mixed Reality in Higher Education, November 23. 2017, ETH Zurich.

  • Research presentation about "Videos in Higher Education", November 9.-10. 2017, LERU (League of European Research Universities), Milano Meeting.

  • Workshop about "AI in contemporary film: Feedback on Innovation" at the "Brave New World" Conference, 2./3. November 2017, Leiden Netherlands, https://www.bravenewworld.nl/

  • Workshop about "AI in contemporary film: Feedback on Innovation" at "Future Friday" November, 6th 2017, The Hague Netherlands, https://www.bravenewworld.nl/

  • Conference Presentation: "To tease somebody" at the "International Conference for Educational Media", 20.-22. September 2017 in Naples, http://www.icem2017.eu/.

  • Workshop on "Video-Abstracts at Universities" for a research group at the ZHdK (Academy of Arts and Design Zurich) and their research project: Research Video – annotated videos as a new standard of publishing practice-based and artistic research, July 20th 2017.

  • Three-days hands-on workshop for Learning Experts about "The Production of Educational Videos", Educational Development and Technology at ETH Zurich, July 2017, Zurich.

  • Presentation „Videos Productions at Universities“, June 7-10 2017, at the LERU (League of European Research Universities) Workshop Chiemsee, Germany.

  • Workshop: „Framing the Talking Head“, May 22-26 2017, at EMOOCs 2017, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain.

  • Barcamp (Organizer): 3th Millenium Education" at FHNW, May, 12 2017, Basel, Switzerland.

  • Workshop for Scientists at the Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich "Die Kunst des Video-Abstracts – eine praxisorientierte Einführung", 19th 2017, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.

  • Referat: "Digitale Visualisierungskonzepte: Wissenschaft sichtbar machen: Die Kunst des Video-Abstracts", May 4th, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany.

  • "Camera Training for Researchers", March 22, at MTech ETH Zurich 2017.

  • Cinema Movie Introducatory Speech at „Chacun son cinéma: Gambling, Gods and LSD“: Introduction speech about media aesthetics and the similarity to VR in „Enter the oid (2009)“, March, 14 2017, Stadtkino Basel.

  • Ph.D. presentation at the ‚Media sciences research colloquium, research methods‘, Prof. Dr. Klaus Neumann-Braun, March 14, 2017, University Basel Switzerland.

  • Pechu Kucha Presentation: »Virtual Reality: Too close to be true«, VR Night at the House of Electronic Arts, HEK, February 24, 2017, Basel, Switzerland.

  • Invitation for a workshop on „Video Production for Digital Education“ at the Leiden University, The Netherlands, 17.-18.01.17

  • Conference presentation at OEB - Shaping the future of online education, November 30 - December 2, 2016 Berlin, Germany:“Affordances” of the media – creating a unique audiovisual educational experience" in the Panel: The New MOOC look: "Creating Tomorrow's Digital Educational Experience: http://www.online-educa.com/ During conference, additional virtual connection session with Christian Friedrich (Leuphana), Inge DeWaard (Open University) and Hoda Mostafa (American University in Cairo), Ilona Buchem (University of Applied Sciences Berlin), see: http://virtuallyconnecting.org/announcements/we-are-vconnecting-at-oeb16-online-educa-berlin/.

  • University Passau German Literature and Media Sciences Research Colloquium: "Visible Speakers in Digital Education", 16. November 2016, Passau Germany.

  • Research Study Presentation at University of London in the context of the LERU (League of European Research Universities) E-Learning Group, 10th-11th November 2016, London UK.

  • Academy of Arts and Design, at intern annual event: "Virtual Reality and Digital Education – visual-aesthetic distorsions of visible speakers", 9th of November 2016, Basel Switzerland.

  • Poster Presentation: Swiss Inter- and Transdisciplinary Day 2016, University Lucerne, Switzerland: "Stakeholder Video Interviews: Co-Design of Scientific-Cinematic Data" (Poster Presentation), http://www.transdisciplinarity.ch/td-net/Konferenzen/ITD-CH-2016.html

  • Colloquium Presentation: University Basel Media Sciences Research Colloquium: "Current State of the Art of Videos in MOOCs," 1th of November 2016, Basel Switzerland.

  • Expert ThinkTank (Organizer) "Videos, Media Design and Knowledge Communication at Universities" at FHNW on the 18-19th of October 2016 at FHNW, Organizer & Moderator. Outcome: Video Manifesto is still in working process, Basel Switzerland.

  • Switch Webinar on the 6th of October 2016: Online lecture videos – A survival "guideinar":

    https://www.eduhub.ch/events/webinars/survival-guideinar/, worldwide.

  • Conference Presentation: "Blended Learning & Digital Knowledge Communication" at 'Train the Trainer', CTI Entrepreneurship Conference, 7th-8th of September 2016 in Zurich Switzerland.

  • Webinar on the 16th of June 2016: As a follow-up to the research video „Video Styles in MOOCs – A journey into the world of digital education“ and the paper titled “Differences & Commonalities, A comparative report of video styles and course descriptions on edX, Coursera, Futurelearn and Iversity”, Jeanine Reutemann will hold a webinar on knowledge transfer through educational videos. The focus will be primarily on the representation of visible speakers (educators) as well as their performance, appearance and bodily representation, worldwide.

  • On the Expert Panel "Innovative Learning and Interactive Tools for Climate Policy" at Carbon Expo 2016 in Cologne, 25-27th of May 2016, Cologne Germany

  • Conference Presentation: "Differences and Commonalities - A comperative report of video styles on edX, Coursera, Futurelearn and Iversity" at EMOOCs 2016, University Graz Austria.

  • Conference Presentation: 'To tease somebody' - Video Style Differences between Intro- and Lecture Videos in MOOCs." at the eduhub days 2016, University Fribourg Switzerland

  • Conference Presentation: "Visible speakers and the surrounding space in moving images of MOOCs", at the Sixth International Conference on the Image, 2015, UC Berkeley USA.

  • Conference Presentation: "Listen: Winged Horses and Dragons breathing Fire!" In cooperation with Sarah Keusch, Professional Dancer, Choreographer & Lecturer at the Music Academy Lucernce, at the Deleuze Studies International Conference "Daughters of Chaos - Practice, Discipline, A Life", 2015 in Stockholm, Sweden.

  • Conference Presentation: "Sinnverlust von Körperrhythmus, Geste und Wort. Asynchrone Bild-Ton Versätze beim sichtbaren Sprecher im audiovisuellen Bewegtbild" an der "Kognition, Repräsentation, Verkörperung, Bewegtbildwissenschaften Konferenz 2014, Kiel Germany.

Audiovisual Publications

  • "r4d programme, Swiss National Science Fondation & The Graduate Institute Geneva"
    Gender as a resource for peace
    SDG16+ and SDG5 Video on the role of gender in peace building programs, 2019.

  • "r4d programme, Swiss National Science Fondation & ETH Zurich | International Relations"
    Differences as a resource for peace
    SDG16+ and SDG10 Video on the inequalities in Guatemala, 2019.

  • "University of Zurich"
    Brettspiele in der Lehre
    A teaching video documentation, 2018.

  • "Independant Project"
    Joining our personal interest and engagement, music video with the professional dancer/choreographer Sarah Keusch, 2018.

  • "ETH Zurich | Departement of Management, Technology and Economics"
    Corporate Sustainability, Educational Concept Videos
    with Prof. Dr. Volker Hoffmann and SusTec Team, 2017.

  • "European Society for the Literature, Science and Arts, University of Basel"
    The Diversity of Empathy
    Based on expert interviews from the "Empathies 2017" conference of the SLSAeu, 2017.

  • "ETH Zurich |Departement of Ecosystem Management"
    Digital Educational Material: Conservation Management in the Scottish Highlands
    Digital Media Production of VR-360-Videos, Sonifications, Videos, Stakeholder Interviews, Photographs. The whole material is part of the ETH lecture on Conservation Management, accessible via the edubreak Plattform, 2017.

  • "Oxford University, Departement Wildlife Conservation"
    The Himalayan Wolf
    Narration, Edit, Postproduction in collaboration with Geraldine Werhahn, about her research project of an old lineage of wolves in the high-altitude ecosystems of the Himalayas and the Tibetan Plateau, 2017.

  • "ETH Zurich | Chair of Ecosystem Management"
    A living Landscape – Case Study Documentations
    with Prof. Dr. Jaboury Ghazoul about Conservation Management in the Scottish Higlands. Scotland & Switzerland 2016.

  • "FHNW"
    Video Styles in MOOCs – A journey into the world of digital education
    This documentary film is part of the dissemination of the research project „Audiovisual Media Design in Higher Education“ and gives a broader view on the recent developent of teaching videos in higher education such as MOOCs. Video production in Berlin, Friedrichshafen, Munich (Germany), Nantes (France), London (UK), San Francisco, Boston, New York (USA) and Basel (Switzerland). 2016.

  • "ETH Zurich | Chair of Ecosystem Management"
    Conservation Management Field Course in the Scottish Highlands - Students Experiences
    Video Documentation about the „Conservation Management Field Course, Beinn Eighe National Nature Reserve, Western Highlands of Scotland“ with Master and Ph.D Students of the ETH Zurich. Reserach and teaching project by Prof. Dr. Jaboury Ghazoul & Dr. Claude Garcia. Video production in the Highlands (Scotland) & Basel (Switzerland). 2015

  • "ETH Zurich | Chair of Ecosystem Management"
    Forests – A very short AUDIOVISUAL introduction
    Short animation video for the publication series „A very short introduction“: Ghazoul, Jaboury: Forests - A Very Short Introduction, Oxford University Press. The animation is composed from still photographs archive material. Video production in Basel (Switzerland). 2015.

  • "Departement of Culture, City of Basel"
    Basel Cultural Unlimited
    Trailer for the Departement of Culture, City of Basel. The trailer contains material from the archive as well as own filmed material. The aim of the project was, to show the cultural diversity of the city of Basel. Video production in Basel (Switzerland). 2013.

  • "School for Engineering, FHNW & HSR Rapperswil"
    MAS Micro Electronic
    Portrait of the MAS „Micro Electronic“. Video production in Brugg-Windisch, Rapperswil and Basel (Switzerland). 2013.

  • "WWF / COOP Switzerland / Southpole Carbon"
    Massai Cookstove Project
    Project Videos with Maasai Women and the industrial Oserian flower farm, WWF & COOP. Camera and concept development. Video production in Naivasha (Kenya) & Zürich (Switzerland). 2012.

  • "Novartis"
    Novartis Campus Basel
    Four short experimental films, presenting the variety of architectual buildings and design of the Novartis Campus under the motto: Diversity.The films are online on the Intranet of Novartis International since 08/2012. Video production in Basel (Switzerland). 2012.

  • "ETH Zurich, Environmental Policy and Economics"
    Maruja - A participatory Movie
    Part of the EU-PF7 research project »CiVi.net« - Participatory Movie. Managing and consulting the stakeholder team process of film making. Video production in Maruja (Brazil). 2012.

  • "ETH Zurich, Environmental Policy and Economics"
    Research Case Study – Ecologica Institute and the Social Carbon Metodology
    Part of the EU-PF7 research project »CiVi.net«. Video production in the region of Palmas, Tocantins (Brazil). 2012.

  • "ETH Zurich, Environmental Policy and Economics"
    Fondation Neotropica in Peninsula Osa
    Part of the EU-PF7 research project »CiVi.net«. Creating a participatory movie together with local stakeholeder in Costa Rica. Video production in the region of the Peninsula Osa (Costa Rica). 2012.

  • Music Videos & Dance Films Some early independant film work:

    • End of Green - she‘s wild (Musicvideo)

    • Rhythm Police - Ghosttrain (Musicvideo)

    • Naway Dance Company (Dancevideo)

    • Colombo Dance Factory (Dancevideo)
      (today: Tanzwerk Zurich).

    • All four films in co-production with Sarah Keusch, professional dancer, choregrapher & lecturer (Music Academy, University of Applied Sciences and Arts Lucernce). 2007 - 2010.

  • Short Animation Films (all between 2006-2009)

    • Pink Nanuq – Children Animation Film about Climate Refugees (Distribution in France & Belgium).

    • Tim & Lucy (Swiss Lung cancer competition film: 2. Place)

    • Recycled Planets (Produced for the Short film agency Hamburg in Cooperation with the Bundesamt für Kultur Germany and ZDF/ARTE)

    • Galileo Shortest Clips (Redaktion Galileo, PRO7 & SAT1)

    • Elemiah & the Strawberry Tree (Festival Film)